

This is one of the few tools we recommend but do not personally use. WebinarJam is an all-in-one out-of-the-box solution for promoting and hosting webinars. We do not currently use it because we create custom pages, but it’s a solid product, especially for those who don’t know coding.

Product Launch Formula

Jeff Walker literally invented the formula that is now so common in product launches. You may think that you can reverse engineer the process by watching other launches, but this course gives you the solid framework you need to succeed. My team and I plan to regularly go through this course as a refresher. It’s a significant investment but worth every penny.


Live chat is not only for your own sales pages (though I do recommend it below in that category). We use Live Chat on our affiliate bonus pages to overcome objections, answer questions, and close sales. Click the button below to learn HOW we use it during affiliate promotions.