
More than three years ago, I began this amazing journey called a blog. It’s been full of ups and downs, elations and frustrations. Most of all, it’s had a positive impact on so many lives. And now it’s time to change it.

Why My Blog is Changing Drastically

I’ve only purchased one Grateful Dead album (technically a CD) in my life. It was a greatest hits album called “What a Long Strange Trip it’s Been.”

That album title aptly describes this blog.

Over the past three years, I’ve learned a ton. I’ve also influenced people in ways I never imagine. So why change it? I’ll get to that in a moment.

First, what I’ve learned…

What I’ve Learned in 3+ Years of Blogging

1. Blogging is hard work

This is post number 690. The average word count is 794 words. If my calculator is correct, that is 547,860 words. Or approximately 10 non-fiction books.

Reaching those numbers meant a lot of early mornings and some panicked late nights. It meant moments of brilliance and moments of “Oh. My. Gosh. What was I thinking?”

Broken links, posts not posting, typos, trolls, spammers, servers going down…all a part of the process.

If you set out to create something meaningful, it is never easy. The sooner you realize this, the better. But it is always worth it.

If you set out to create something meaningful, it is never easy, but it is always worth it.

2. Blogging is a lot of fun (sort of)

I don’t actually like writing. As Andy Andrews often says, I like having written.

I don’t like the technical work of the blog, which is why now I outsource 90% of it. But I sure do like the results.

I love testing stuff, tweaking this or that, and trying new stuff. I love spreading a positive message and I especially love the relationships that come from blogging, which brings me to #3…

3. Blogging is an incredible networking tool

This blog has allowed me to reach people I never would reached any other way.

It has been an amazing network (ahem, I mean relationship) building tool.

4. Blogging can be incredibly lucrative

Yes, you can make money (a lot of it) from blogging.

Granted, I am far from Warren Buffett status just from blogging, but it has definitely been worth the time and effort we’ve put into this.

So why change things? I have three reasons before I explain exactly how and what I am changing.

Why I am Changing my Blog

1. My blog does not align with my business

Since it’s beginning, my blog has focused on three areas:

  • Personal development
  • Leadership
  • Mindset

None of those, however, have anything to do with my business. My business, as many of you know, is in running product launches, specifically with affiliate (or Joint Venture) partners.

Inevitably, this creates a lot of brand confusion, which is never good.

2. My blog does not serve the business

As great as this blog has been as a networking and relationship building tool, for the most part, it is not serving our business.

For nearly a year I have wrestled with how to reconcile this. The answer was staring me in the face all along, but I was not willing to admit it. The answer is to change the format, the topics, and the purpose of the blog to serve our business.

More on what that means shortly.

3. My blog has limited impact as it is

This was a tough one to admit, but I realized that as long as I continued with an off-brand, generic-themed platform, the impact was limited.

Until I got specific about my message, my purpose, and my audience, I would forever cap the impact I could have on the world.

Only by reducing the topics and defining my audience clearly (AKA develop an avatar), could I ever hope to reach more people.

It sounds counterintuitive, by the more broad you are, the less impact you will have. As the old saying goes, it’s better to be an inch wide and a mile deep than a mile wide and an inch deep.

What is Changing?

In a word: Everything.

OK, that is only half true. I’m not changing. My writing style is not changing (that might be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it). My personality and personal stories are not going away.

But pretty much everything else is changing.

Beginning with the next post, I will write almost exclusively about topics such as:

  • Product launch strategies
  • How to make money as an affiliate/JV partner
  • How to recruit and leverage affiliate/JV partners
  • Some more general business best practices

My writing will continue to be intensely personal, as in effect I will be like a guinea pig for what I write about.

Content will primarily consist of:

  • Experiments we’ve run in our business
  • Case studies from our clients such as Ray Edwards, Brian Tracy, Nick Stephenson, Chandler Bolt, Ron Friedman, Jeff Goins, and others.
  • Case studies from other amazing online marketers
  • Best practices
  • Industry trends
  • How-to guides
  • Interviews with awesome people

I’m excited about these changes, but I know that the new format is not for everyone. I hope you’ll stick around and join me on this exciting, new chapter in this journey.

What do you think of the new format? What did you like best about the old format?


Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.

Or…check out some of my free reports to help you get on the right track:

Find Your First 100 Affiliates

template for affiliate program terms and conditions

Affiliate Program Terms & Conditions Template

email for recruiting affiliates

Get My #1 Affiliate Recruiting Email

top mistakes to avoid with your affiliate program

Avoid The Top 20 Affiliate Program Mistakes

email templates for activating affiliates

Turn Inactive Affiliates into Your Best Affiliates

Affiliate email template for affiliate managers

Get My Template for Writing Affiliate Emails

Sales secrets of successful affiliate marketers

Affiliate Marketing Sales Secrets

Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing with a resources page

Learn How to Create a Resources Page

guide on how to write a product review with affiliate marketing

Learn How to Write a Product Review

32 thoughts on “Why My Blog is Changing Drastically

  1. Dr. Michael Hudson says:

    Congratulations Matt…you’ve made THE most important strategic decision–deciding what you are not doing to do; AND you’ve taken action…letting go of what doesn’t fit to focus on what does. WELL DONE!! Love the new look and the new focus…it fits for you, it makes sense for your audience, and it will increase your impact!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      LOVE that Michael. Just confirmed everything I was thinking. 🙂

  2. ••Kevin D. Monroe•• says:

    Kudos Matt! It takes courage to change. And you’ve made a significant and strategic change after serious thought and reflection. That’s all good!

    With alignment comes energy. I’m looking forward to following along on your journey and learning in this next season.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Your comment gets me even more pumped up to do this Kevin.

      Thanks a ton!

  3. Michael Nichols says:

    Nice my friend! Love that you’re making this change to align with the core of your work.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Thanks Michael. Great to see you on Jonathan’s Blab yesterday 🙂

      (And by “great to see you” I mean “it was fun to troll you guys”)

      1. Michael Nichols says:

        Fun indeed!

  4. Evelyn de Vlugt says:

    Congratulations Matt…It takes a lot of courage to change from something that is working – but in the end I know you will still do a terrific job because you aren’t changing the things that make you a great blogger. I am looking forward to learning more about affiliate marketing. All the best as you move forward. And thank you for the excellent example – I am currently trying to figure out how I can niche down in my topic. Waiting for your next post….

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Thank you Evelyn. What are you trying to niche down on yourself?

  5. John Meese says:

    Love this change, Matt. Way to go! You’ve just taken a bold step in refocusing your blog, and I’m sure it will serve you (and us, your audience) well. Excited to see where this goes!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Thanks brother. Without you, Wes, and Craig, this might not have happened 🙂

  6. Jon Stolpe says:

    I get it. I think this change will help me better understand what you are doing.

    For the record, your existing stuff here has had an impact. Specifically, The Thank You Revolution and the focus on One-on-One Meetings have made a personal difference in my leadership, my team, and my company. Thank you.

    It should be interesting to see where this goes.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Thanks Jon. That means a lot to me.

      Appreciate your support over the years brother!

  7. Tammy Helfrich says:

    Getting clear about our message is so important. Having your blog be an extension of your business makes perfect sense! Looking forward to hearing more from you. Congrats on the change!

  8. Meral Mengu says:

    Yes, I liked the new blog post topics!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Can’t wait to start sharing.

  9. Deb Clem-Buckert says:

    Sounds like good changes. I applaud you. Lots of bloggers get stuck.

  10. Steve Pate says:

    Awesome sauce Matt! I know many of us would agree that we are “grateful” that you stepped out three years ago! But I must admit the new topics you are going to focus on are exciting to me! And I could use more help in those areas over the personal growth items.

    Thanks for being you!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Awesome man. 🙂

      PS – you texted me the other day but I forgot to let you know my screen is busted. Email me!

  11. brentmkelly says:

    Congrats Matt. I have consistently struggled with fine tuning my message. I am glad you are going after what you want. Kudos!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      It’s tough man. I know me at least…I want to write about EVERYTHING, which essentially means I write about NOTHING 🙂

  12. Harleena Singh says:

    Matt, I feel you’ve taken the right step in the right direction. The changes will bring you more meaning, focus, and authority. For me, more specific knowledge and tips related to marketing. It’s just great. I’m excited too to read your new posts. 🙂

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      I’m excited to write them Harleena. Thanks for the encouragement!

  13. Heidi Bender says:

    I hope it works out! looking forward to the new content.

  14. Joshua Rivers says:

    What!? Why in the world would you make a change like that. It must have been that Mark guy that talked you into do this. 🙂 Only joking (unless Mark did talk you into it).
    I think this is great. I also have struggled with blogging/podcasting about things that have been a desire of mine but haven’t been in alignment with what I’ve been building on the side. I’ve made some adjustments (i.e. stopped doing some things), but I know I have some more adjustments to make. Thanks for being a leader in this!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Yes it’s all Mark’s fault 🙂

  15. Mark Alan Williams says:

    Seems like the right thing to do Matt. May God bless your new direction.

  16. Dan Black says:

    You have made some great progress so far and know the change will increase your impact and the results you want to see. Keep up the great work!

  17. John Corcoran says:

    Smart change, Matt. Looking forward to what you come up with.

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