
PodHacker Review + Affiliate Bonuses (My Favorite Podcasting Program)

Thinking of buying Matt Wolfe and Joe Fier’s PodHacker? Make sure to read this first. You’ll kick yourself later if you don’t. And check out the great affiliate bonuses below.

So…you may be thinking…who are these guys? What makes them the Princes of Podcast? Well, this full 2022 review will answer that question and a lot of others AND some you may not have thought to ask.

Full disclosure: If you purchase PodHacker through my link, I’ll get a small commission (gotta love capitalism, right?). But that won’t affect anything I share below in any way. It also means that if you DO purchase through any link in the review, you’ll get access to my exclusive bonuses.

Ok, that takes care of the housekeeping…on to the fun stuff…here’s my full review of PodHacker.

Who’s Behind PodHacker And Why Should I Buy It? 

You may not know Matt Wolfe and Joe Fier by name…but you may know their work.

They are the co-hosts of the Hustle and Flowchart podcast – a podcast that blends discussions on business, marketing, the creator economy, Web3, NFTs, and much more. And they co-own Evergreen Profits – a company that specializes in content marketing strategies for established businesses.

These guys completely changed my business! They’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.

We met just prior to COVID taking over our lives.

And I think they’d be the first ones to admit, the road to creating this product had more than its share of bumps in the road…

Judge for yourself…

They started their first podcast together, the Online Income Product in 2010 and if you saw a picture of their “set” it would make you laugh…

They had two cheap microphones that were propped up on a mattress in the middle of a living room which also doubled as Matt’s bedroom. Each of their clunky mics were plugged into their own computers and they had to stitch their separate audio files together after each podcast they recorded.

Check out some of the mistakes they made…

  • Spending 5+ hours on every podcast episode editing audio, creating show notes and uploading it all…
  • Letting Apple Podcasts control ALL their podcast traffic…
  • Trying to pump out episode after episode to “get discovered”…
  • Interviewing the wrong kinds of guests…
  • Thinking more downloads was the key to making more money…
Which is EXACTLY why I think they have been able to come up with such a strong product…they are graduates of the School of Hard Knocks.

Unparalleled Research

The idea for PodHacker came about the way many great products do…Joe and Matt realized the missing link to growing and monetizing their Hustle and Flowchart podcast was a system they could use to consistently get bigger name guests.

Cue the flashing “idea lightbulb”.

In 2017, they set about creating a simple, repeatable plug & play system…along with templates for EVERYTHING they do as podcasters and affiliate marketers.

Ever since, they implemented and tweaked the plug-and-play systems and templates they still use today.

These simple systems and plug-and-play templates…evolved into PodHacker and have allowed them to consistently get guests like Billy Gene, Jay Abraham, James Altucher, and Dave Asprey on the podcast.

PodHacker allowed them to grow their podcast grew to 50,000+ downloads per month while spending less than 16 hours combined monthly on it.

Their affiliate sales and sponsorship revenues exploded to multiple seven figures!

They’re obviously on to something. You don’t get a top-dog like Ryan Deiss at Digital Marketer recommending you as the “go to” authorities in growing and monetizing a podcast unless you really have discovered a better mousetrap!.

Unmatched Support

Joe and Matt understand the critical role superior support plays with a new product.  Which is why, in my opinion, they’ve gone way over the top in making sure you know they’ve got your back every step of the way as you use your podcast to grow your business and bring on multiple streams of income.

Take a look at what they’ve built in to PodHacker…

  • Timely content based on trends and feedback
  • 2x monthly interactive live calls with members
  • On-boarding emails to get people to consume content, join community, and take ACTION!
  • Personalized Bonjoro videos sent to all members checking in often
  • Surveys sent to members to get constant feedback
  • An interactive Facebook community to get members highly-engaged
  • 30 day money-back guarantee

What’s NOT So Good About the PodHacker?

1. There’s Almost Too Much Good Stuff

PodHacker is PACKED with valuable information and support.

Most would consider that a plus but, in all fairness, some people might find it overwhelming.

With all the research Matt and Joe have put into what they teach, the sheer volume of content might seem daunting if someone’s afraid of taking their advice step-by-step.

2. I Haven’t Personally Reviewed All The Material

This is an honest review, so it is important for me to tell you that I have not looked through all the course content and bonus material myself.

Though I haven’t reviewed it all personally, I have been working closely for some time now with Matt and Joe and I can tell you that they never do anything halfway, so I have no doubt that Podhacker is awesome…in fact, my team and I are currently going through it again to double-down on making my own podcast, The Affiliate Guy, as strong as possible.

3. You’ve Got to Put in the Work

If you were thinking this was a “plug and play” program, you’d be partly right.

While there is a ‘plug and play” component to PodHacker, you still have to put in the work. Just making sure you KNOW that.

I honestly can’t find any other “bad” things about PodHacker — and believe me, I tried.

It really comes down to whether this course is right for you or not…if it’s right for you, then it’s awesome.

If it’s not right for you, then, well, it’s not right for you and you shouldn’t buy it!

Who is PodHacker For (and who is it NOT for?)

I think I know what you’re thinking…is PodHacker right for me and my business?

Who PodHacker Is For?

  • Podcasters (existing or aspiring)
  • YouTubers, bloggers, consistent content creators (expand their efforts)
  • Entrepreneurs who want to grow leads & customers

In short, any business that wants to grow build brand awareness and loyalty with their audience.

Who is PodHacker NOT For?

As with many of the products I review, many of the reasons this course would NOT be for you revolve around YOU and YOUR choices.

Podcaster is a program that takes plenty of the heavy lifting out of creating a podcast that drives business growth. But that doesn’t mean you simply have to figuratively push a few buttons and you’re off to the races.

Like anything else, you’ve got to put in the work.

What’s Inside PodHacker?

PodHacker Program ($499 one-time) 

  • The PodHacker Journey – A complete look “behind the scenes” of their entire business model, including podcasting, traffic, affiliate marketing, and networking. It’s broken into 4 core sections; Build, engage, amplify and monetize.

  • Plug-N-Play Templates – PodHackers receive templates for everything that they teach so that you can literally “plug-n-play” them into your workflows. This includes email templates, web-page templates, spreadsheets, and more so that you’ll  never be starting from scratch.

  • Monthly Expert Sessions – 2-hour live sessions with growth hacking experts breaking down strategies for podcasters. Lots of interaction with guests and opportunities to get support/feedback.

Private Community to network with other podcasters and experts, ask for feedback, stay in the loop with the latest in podcasting and digital marketing.


  • Monthly Open Office Hour Sessions – 2-hour live sessions with Joe, Matt, and the team where they cover the latest news, strategies, behind-the-scenes of their podcast, and more. Hot seats, feedback, lots of interactions.
  • Templates, Resources, Case Studies, Recordings of any live sessions.

>>>Total value of The PodHacker System: $6,093.

What Risk is There?

This is one of the biggest questions people ask themselves when investing in courses…and probably at least partially why you are reading this review now.

What risk is there in purchasing PodHacker system?

Frankly, none that I can think of.


When you can get Jay Abraham and James Altucher’s attention, you’re the real deal.

Really, the only variable is whether you are going to be teachable and put in the work necessary!

And don’t forget about Matt and Joe’s 14-Day Money Back Guarantee.

All they ask is that you send them your work, showing that you have gone through the exercises included in the course…and if you still didn’t get the results you were hoping for, they will happily refund your money.

(But with all the research and preparation that went into PodHacker, I highly doubt you will go through the course and NOT experience great results!)

My Exclusive Bonuses When You Buy PodHacker

Bonus #1: “Behind The Scenes” Access To My Podcast Launch ($197 value)

Here’s what you get…The Affiliate Guy Daily Marketing Podcast

  • The scripts we used to launch
  • How we ran our podcast launch team
  • All the strategies we used to launch the podcast

Bonus #2: “How To Get Podcast Guests” Video Walkthrough ($97 value)

  • How I get guests on the podcast
  • How I got them when I barely knew anybody and had no connections
  • How YOU can land top notch guest early on even with no reputation

Final Thoughts on PodHacker…Would I Buy It Again?

The short answer…ABSOLUTELY!

This is the premier course on how to use podcasting to build your tribe, grow your business and create multiple streams of income.

To my knowledge, no other course out there has the depth and practical training you’ll find in PodHacker.

If you’re looking for a way to add a sustainable revenue source to your business then click the button below to enroll in the PodHacker system and get my bonuses.




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