
I would love to hear from you. If you need to contact me outside of the comments on any of my posts, here is how:

Twitter: @MattMcWilliams2

Facebook: click here

If you are interested in guest posting, click here.

If you are interested in individual coaching. click here.

If you are interested in business/marketing consulting, click here.

Text: +1 (260) 217-4619

One thought on “Contact Me

  1. I would like to share a link to a video. I know it asking a lot. Just KNOW you are going to thank me for asking for an hour and 9 minutes of your time if you watch. It is the story of an AMAZING Leader. Harvard did a case study on the turnaround he led.

    My email is shifterp@yahoo.com

    Here is the link. If you do take that hour and 9 minutes PLEASE let me know how you feel about Bob and what he is doing.

    Thanks, Scott


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