
What You Need to Know About Stage to Scale Method by Pete Vargas (Full Review)

If you are thinking about buying Pete Vargas’ Stage to Scale course, make sure to read this full review first. Learn what’s amazing, what can use some work, and if this program is the right for YOU. At the end, I’ll share all the exclusive bonuses I’ll send your way when you join Stage to Scale.

Review of Pete Vargas' Stage to Scale Method

So the big questions, of course, are:

  • What IS Stage to Scale?
  • Is it right for you?

By the end of this review, you will know the answer to those questions and more.

First off a disclaimer though: Pete is a dear friend of mine. In fact, years ago, he was my first ever student (I’ll explain why that is cool and matters to you in the bonuses section). I am also an affiliate partner for Pete’s course. Now, don’t think that changes my review. By now, you know that I’m an honest guy. You’ll see pretty darn quickly I share the highs and the lows of this course. I also only want people to buy this course if it’s right for them. If it’s not for you, I don’t want you to buy it and neither does Pete.

It does, however, mean that if you purchase through my link, I earn some cold hard cash as a commission. Now, the commission is not enough to send me on some around the world tour, but it’s enough that I’m able to throw in some awesome bonuses to make it more than worth your while if you do purchase through my link. The one catch is that these bonuses are not available anywhere else, but only through my affiliate link. More on the bonuses below…they’re worth more than $7,500!

Let’s start with the good stuff.

What is AMAZING About Stage to Scale?

1. Pete Vargas and his team are the real dealPete Vargas Stage to Scale Method

Plain and simple, Pete knows his stuff. Pete has spent the last 17 years promoting platforms and building an incredible team of speakers, and marketers.

Pete and his team impact at least 70 million lives around the world each year through booking over 50,000 events and generating more than $40 million in revenue.

They’re kind of a big deal.

Through his team, Advance Your Reach, they serve others with the belief that ”if there’s a single person who will benefit from your message, there’s an excellent chance there are a million people who will.”

Through their courses, they work to help you reach those million.

FREE TRAINING: Learn the power of stages and how one person on one stage shared their message and completely changed Pete’s relationship with his father and the rest of his life.

2. Solid take you by the hand training

This training starts at the very beginning.

But that doesn’t mean this is a course just for beginners.

As you progress through the course you’ll develop a strong foundation from which you can confidently build your speaking business. As an industry leader, Pete takes you step-by-step down the road to success.

It all begins by helping you get crystal clear on the problem you solve and who you’re serving so you can develop your signature talk.

Once you have clarity, you’ll learn how to land stages (both physical and digital) and the insider secrets to becoming a world class speaker who audiences will rave about.

Review of Pete Vargas Stage to Scale Speaking Course

After you have your speech nailed down, you get the behind-the-scenes insight about turning that speech into an offer so you can create a reliable business by learning the tactics of closing sales.

3. Resources you need to succeed

Because this course is work at your own pace, Pete and his team have included many different ways to study and work through the lessons.

If you don’t have time to sit down and watch videos, simply download the audio files and listen during your commute. Prefer to read? He’s got you covered with downloadable transcripts you can take along wherever you go.

Stage to Scale affiliate bonuses

When it’s time to take action, you’ve got results based worksheets to help you learn, retain, and put every lesson into action.

He makes it dang near impossible for you to create excuses on why you can’t be successful.

4. Bonus Trainings

Who doesn’t love bonuses?

I know there are so many courses these days that say they have “bonuses”, that are totally bogus.

As if a complete system to create your speech, generate revenue, grow your client base, and change millions of lives wasn’t enough (would’ve been enough for me…), these bonuses will help you take your speaking business to the next level with:

  • Deep-Dive interviews
  • Pre-Game, Game-Time, and Post-Game Checklists
  • In-depth breakdowns of world-famous speeches
  • and more…

What In Stage to Scale Can Use Some Work?

Let me level with you…I’ve spent hours looking for something I could point to that wasn’t absolutely fantastic about Stage to Scale, but I could only find one thing.

The problem: there’s almost too much of a good thing.

There’s a ton of content here and it’s going to require some discipline to get through.

That’s it, plain and simple.

Advance Your Reach might have included so much training that it’s overwhelming for beginners.

I could say that that this course it’s not for someone who is a beginner…but I’d be lying to you.

Here’s the bottom line, Pete and his team have created a painstakingly detailed course that addresses everything from beginner problems to the most advanced questions.

It’s a great fit for anyone who has a message, is willing to put in the work, and who wants to grow their business in one of the best ways imaginable.

Who Is Stage to Scale For?

Who It’s For:

Pete Vargas’ Stage to Scale is for anyone who has a message or is looking to start a business that can impact millions.

This includes:

  • Current Speakers
  • Coaches
  • Authors
  • Bloggers
  • Podcasters
  • Consultants
  • Industry Experts
  • …and anyone else looking to add a speaking stream to their business.

In short, you have a message, a story, an experience that someone out there needs to hear.

If you are looking for a way to share that message while you build your business, Stage to Scale is probably for you!

FREE TRAINING: Learn the power of stages and how one person on one stage shared their message and completely changed Pete’s relationship with his father and the rest of his life.

Who it’s NOT For:

Straight to the point…this course is not for you if you’re looking to make a quick and easy buck.

There are a few other reasons this course is NOT for you. If any of the following are true, do NOT buy this course!

  • You won’t invest in yourself by putting in the required time to be successful (8 modules with multiple lessons each in addition to the bonus training)
  • You’re unwilling to invest your heard-earned cash. If you don’t like parting with your money to improve your life, this course will not help you.
  • You think this course is a way to make a quick buck and fill your bank account like Scrooge McDuck.
  • You’re deathly afraid of sharing your expertise in front of others and changing their lives.
  • You are already a pro at speaking, booking gigs, creating multiple revenue streams, and running your speaking business.

In short, if you aren’t willing to put in the work to develop your business, then whatever you do, do NOT purchase this course.

What’s Included In Stage to Scale:

Module #1 Foundation

Start this course by understanding how you can open up your full potential. Pete shares his story about how he quickly became a success and reveals the Stage to Scale path.

Module #2 Crafting Your Signature Talk

Get crystal clear on the problem you solve and who you serve so that you can craft a high-converting signature talk.

My review of Advance Your Reach course Stage to Scale Method

Module #3 Deliver & Maximize Your Talk

Get the inside scoop on all of the little things that make a world-class speaker so that you can keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

Modules #4 & 5 Create your Scaling Offer: Revenue

Quickly learn the art of collecting leads and offering the right types of products for your company or organization.

Take a look inside the Stage to Scale Method speaking course

Module #6 The Business Model of Speaking

Learn everything about talking to the meeting planner, so you understand who they are, what they need, and what their audiences crave.

Review of Pete Vargas' speaking course Stage to Scale

Module #7 Winning Stages

Identify your dream stage. Discover and learn the 5 “marketing” channels to win stages.

FREE TRAINING: Learn the power of stages and how one person on one stage shared their message and completely changed Pete’s relationship with his father and the rest of his life.

Module #8 Graduation

You’ve done it!

Now it’s time to bring the entire training together and create your Stage Action Plan, so you can move forward in a powerful way.

Bonus Modules

THREE bonus vaults with deep-dive interviews, in-depth checklists, and insider tips and tricks to land the audiences who need your message.

Stage to Scale Bonus Vault - My review

Plus Get Over $7,500 In Exclusive Bonuses:

Bonus #1 – Destroying Your Limiting Beliefs Workbook ($399)

Stage to Scale Review and Affiliate Bonuses

It takes guts to get on stage. Even more, it takes confidence. And most of all, it takes faith.

To put your reputation and experience on the line and say “HEY WORLD, LOOK WHAT I’VE GOT TO SAY!”

That’s why 99.9% of the population will never speak on any stage. Heck, it’s the #1 fear people have…speaking in public.

That’s why you need to overcome your limiting beliefs.

The battle for stages starts in your MIND!

It starts with your limiting beliefs – the beliefs that are holding you back, keeping you from creating the impact you should have, making the money you should make, and leaving the legacy that only YOU can leave in this world.

There are four types of limiting beliefs and I show you how to DESTROY all of them in this workbook.

This workbook is normally only available to my private coaching clients, but if you purchase Pete Vargas’ Stage to Scale through my link, you’ll get it FREE.

Bonus #2 – Access to the Replay of my Networking With Purpose LIVE Event ($197)

Stage to Scale Method affiliates bonuses (Review)

I’ll make this super clear…you cannot land many stages or influence many people without a network.

It takes a village to get your message out to the world. That’s why you need a powerful network of influencers.

When you buy Pete’s course through my link, you’ll get access to the replay of the Networking with Purpose LIVE event that I hosted with former White House writer turned relationship-building expert John Corcoran and networking guru (and now a team member of mine) Mark Sieverkropp.

We share our decades of experience, tips and relationship-building strategies that will help you build a powerful network of people to help you land the right stages for your business.

Bonus #3 – 7-Figure Affiliate Launch Course ($1,997)

Affiliate Review Stage to Scale Method course

As Pete learned, there is no better way to spread your message and sell more products than through affiliates (OK…maybe stages haha).

Think of the advantages:

  • You don’t pay until you make the sale.
  • They are infinitely scalable.
  • They are fun to work with.

In this exclusive training, I teach you how to recruit an army of affiliates, how to motivate them to promote more, and how to grow your business like you never imagined.

I’ve worked with some of the top names in the online marketing industry helping them do just this. Names like Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, Zig Ziglar, Michael Hyatt, Lewis Howes, Ray Edwards, Jeff Goins, Peter Voogd, and Brian Tracy.

And if you purchase Pete Vargas’ Stage to Scale Method through my link, I will GIVE you this training that normally sells for $1,997 and is currently unavailable to the public.

NOTE: This is the course that first introduced me to Pete. He was my FIRST student to complete the course and has become a dear friend over the years as a result. You’ll get the EXACT same training Pete had to make his product launch a success!

Bonus #4 – Affiliate Recruiting Swipe Files ($1,341)

Affiliate bonuses for Stage to Scale Method by Pete Vargas

The biggest challenge that product creators face when they begin to work with affiliates to promote their products is…actually FINDING affiliates.

Over the past decade, I’ve recruited tens of thousands of affiliates in dozens of industries that have produced more than $1 BILLION in sales for my clients.

These swipe files are the exact emails I’ve used to recruit top-tier affiliates for our clients and my own products.

They work and they will help you recruit great affiliates for YOUR product as well.

Bonus #5 –Affiliate Promo Plan Checklist ($432)

Once you’ve recruited your affiliates, you need to get them to promote your product.

The Affiliate Promo Plan Checklist is the EXACT checklist that we have used to get affiliates to mail 10, 15, even 20+ times in a single product launch.

Use this checklist to get your affiliates to mail more often OR use it to manage your own affiliate promotions and earn bigger affiliate commissions.

Bonus #6 – List Launch Challenge ($497)

List launch challenge email list bonus review for Stage to Scale

One of the BIGGEST challenges that people face with their online business is building an email list.

Our List Launch Program will walk you through how to build a list of over 1,000 people in 10 weeks.

Using the techniques we outline in this course our students have started with a list of zero and are consistently growing their list week after week!

From lead magnets and pop-ups to more advanced list building techniques like virtual summits, this program will give you all the tools you need to build your list…and it’s yours FREE when you enroll in Stage to Scale Method through my link!

Bonus #7 – No List No Problem Course ($197)

Review of Stage to Scale speaking programThis course could be worth $10,000 a month to your business.

That is how much the strategies inside this course have consistently generated for me in affiliate revenue – independent of my email list.

Learn the secrets to consistent, passive affiliate income that you can begin putting into practice immediately, even if you have NO email list.

Bonus #8 – Go Through Stage to Scale WITH me (at least $2,500…probably more)

My team and I are going through Stage to Scale this year…and when you enroll through my link, you can go through it WITH US and see how we are applying it in OUR business.

My team and I will be doing 5 live calls where we will discuss what we’re learning, how we can apply what we’re learning, and much, much more.

And YOU will get to be a part of those calls.

Learn from what we’re doing, share your own insights, ask questions and get feedback!

It will be our own mastermind group to get the MOST out of Stage to Scale!

Total Bonuses: $7,560

Seriously, people try to buy many of these bonuses from me. But, I’m pretty stingy with them and only offer most of them as a bonus to people who buy through my link.


QUESTIONS? Call me at 317.825.8826 or use Live Chat

Yep…I’m literally taking calls to help you decide Pete’s Stage to Scale program is right for you. If I don’t answer, leave a message and I’ll call you back.

We are also available to chat to help you decide if Stage to Scale is right for you. Just click the live chat bubble in the lower right corner.