If you’ve stumbled upon this, chances are you’re contemplating enrolling in Eben Pagan’s 2023 Future Coach A.I. & Training program and have a handful of questions craving answers. In this article, I’ll uncover the upsides and downsides of Eben’s Future Coach A.I based coaching program…and be sure to stick around, because I also have some awesome exclusive bonuses if you enroll through my link.
Note: Before we go any further, it is important for you to understand that I am an affiliate for Eben Pagan. This, in no way, influences my review because I don’t want you to buy this course if it’s not right for you. If you enroll in Future Coach through my link I will earn a small commission. Click here to see how you can get over $7,808 in bonuses >>
What Is Future Coach and What’s Good About It?
Future Coach is REVOLUTIONIZING the coaching industry!
Eben Pagan’s new Future Coach program combines the best of his original Virtual Coach training for coaches, along with new A.I. tools and training, to make for the best offer Eben and his team ever created (along with the best conversions as well!)
Using the training and strategies from Future Coach, you be able to:
- Learn the Language of A.I. called “Prompting”
- Train Your A.I. to Speak in Your Unique Voice
- Build Your Brand (and Your Confidence!)
- Get LIVE Coaching + Demos + Q&A
Eben Pagan knows how to build trust
1. Eben is the real deal
He got his start in business over 10 years ago after his best friend showed him how successful he was selling information products online. After Eben wrote his first ebook, he put it online and went to bed. His little ebook quickly turned into a multi-million dollar-a-year virtual business employing 75 people around the world. He’s worked with some amazing people like Tony Robbins and Sir Richard Branson. Eben has devoted several years of his life to creating training that teaches entrepreneurs all his best strategies and techniques for business, marketing, and wealth creation and you can find it all here at Future Coach.

Eben Pagan
2. His training is practical
Eben goes beyond theory. Yes, theory is important, but it’s not everything. There is absolutely no fluff and you’ll always know the next step when following Eben’s training.
3. He ALWAYS over-delivers
Eben’s philosophy is simple: Give away 10X more value than you ask for in return. His mission is to provide the best training, resources and tools in order to make world-class entrepreneurship training accessible to as many people as possible.
What is Future Coach?
What’s Included With Future Coach?
Like any effective training program, Future Coach has all the tools and strategies you need to create a profitable and sustainable coaching practice.
Here’s what you get:
#1. Custom A.I. Coach Tools
Your Dream Client Avatar
The Dream Client Avatar Tool is a powerful exercise and tool that will help you generate a clearer understanding of your ideal client, your coaching niche and your client’s fears and desires.
Your Coaching Bio
As a coach, it’s important to do the exercise of creating your written bio. Your bio becomes a tool to introduce yourself, quickly transmit your unique gifts and talents, and much more.
Your Coaching Niche
Your coaching niche is the combination of a need that prospective clients are having combined with your unique style and the way you help them get the results they want.
Your Coaching Brand
As a coach, you will begin needing to think of yourself not just as a person, but also as a unique “brand” of your own. Working on your brand helps you to “get perspective” on yourself, and to start imagining how others will perceive you better.
Your Dream Client’s Values
Your client’s values are the principles and beliefs that guide your coaching practice. and interactions with clients. These values define your unique approach and help you to create a meaningful coaching experience. Use this exercise to explore and clarify your coaching values.
Your Client’s Voice
Your ideal client’s voice is the combination of understanding your client’s unique needs and preferences while integrating your distinctive style to effectively help them achieve the results they desire. Use this exercise to refine and enhance your tone and voice, ensuring your coaching communication is aligned with your clients’ expectations and requirements.
Creating An Article & Blog Post
Use this exercise to write a first draft or your article or blog post. Begin by outlining what you would like the article to be about. Next, list a few things that you would like to cover in the article. Finally, tell us who your audience or ideal client is, so we can help write the article to them in a way that is interesting and compelling.
Your Social Media Video Script
This tool will help you create a script for a short, compelling, high-value social media video script. Answer these questions to create your video script, and then take elements of the three script options we create for you to outline and script your social media video.
Your Book or Course Outline
Use this tool to create an outline for your book or course. Start by describing what you personally want to teach your audience (and complete the phrase “how to…” to describe it). Then, list the top three things you want to teach your audience most. Finally, describe why you believe your audience will invest the time and money to purchase and go through your book or course.
Your Marketing Email
Use this tool to create a follow-up email and sequence for prospective clients who you meet. Remember, that most clients actually “buy” and turn into clients after multiple contacts and follow-ups. Also keep in mind that the subject line is possibly the most important part of the email, so make sure you choose one that is interesting!
#2. Eben’s organized thinking
Starting a new program CAN be overwhelming…
That’s why Eben IMMEDIATELY takes you by the hand and welcomes you to Future Coach by making sure you’re set up to go through the program in an organized way.
He doesn’t simply leave you to fend for yourself, sifting through countless videos and attempting to navigate on your own (and believe me, that’s not a path you want to take).
Eben WANTS you to be successful! The only way he’s successful is if you’re successful.
He has invested a lot of time and energy into Future Coach and I can promise you he wants to make sure you get the most out of it.
#3. Quick Start Member’s Area
Right out of the gate, Eben primes you for maximum benefit from your investment in Future Coach by providing you with:
- The Coach Superpower Assessment where you learn your coach superpower, plus get an in-depth report that shows you how to get more clients and help them get great results.
- The Future Coach Class Schedule where your entire learning path is laid out in front of you. You actually get a bird’s eye view of how the program unfolds.
#4. Class Replays
You get a recorded video version of each class that you can easily go back and refer to. Or, if you prefer, each class has a PDF version of the slides.
Once you’re in, you’re in. This isn’t some kind of program where Eben milks you for cash for the rest of your life.
Pay once and you own it forever.
#5. Coaching Niche Prompts
These prompts will not only save you TONS of time and help you avoid the frustration that goes hand-in-hand with trying to come up with ideas, they will focus your attention on a number of critical areas.
You get…
Prompts To Target Your Coaching Niche
These prompts will help you further dig into your niche. Use them to find your opportunities and get an edge in your market.
Prompts TO Write Your Bio
In this series of prompts, we’ll explore different strategies for writing a powerful and impactful bio.
Prompts To Create Your Brand
We’ll explore different ways of developing a powerful and effective coaching brand.
Prompts To Find Your Dream Client
We’ll identify different ways of finding and connecting with your dream client, including must-read books and resources, addressing their challenges and concerns, building trust and credibility online, and finding networking and collaboration opportunities in your field.
Prompts To Find Your Client Values
These prompts are your shortcut to personalizing your coaching services, crafting content that captivates, and connecting with your ideal audience. By leveraging these insights, you’ll make strategic decisions that cater specifically to your ideal client’s values, allowing you to serve clients you’re truly passionate about.
Prompts To Find Your Client’s Voice
To maximize the results you get when working with clients and attracting clients, it is important to understand them first. You can think of this as your client’s voice. By understanding the tone, personality and voice of your client, you will be better equipped to build more meaningful relationships with them, and ultimately propel your coaching business to unprecented levels of success.
Creating An Article/Blog Post
By sharing meaningful insights and demonstrating your expertise through persuasive content, you assert yourself as a frontrunner in the coaching field and cultivate powerful connections with your readers. This builds trust, credibility, and a growing clientele for your coaching business.
Your Social Media Video Script
In our fast-paced digital world, coaches need to create high-value, engaging videos to stand out and truly connect with their audience. By sharing your expertise and genuine personality, you’ll build a relationship with viewers and humanize your brand.
Your Ad Writer Tool
By creating captivating ads that resonate with your audience, you tap into a goldmine of benefits. They expend your reach, build credibility and help generate a consistent flow of leads, fueling our business’s growth.
Your Marketing Offer
A well-defined coaching offer helps you stand out in a crowded market, fostering authentic connections with clients seeking the transformations you provide. An unclear offer leads to blending in with the competition, making it difficult to create an impact.
#6. Personal Upgrades
Everywhere you go these days, someone’s talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the role it plays in business. If you’re wondering how to leverage the power of AI, Future Coach uses a series of videos to explain not only how to use AI to upgrade YOURSELF but your BUSINESS as well.
#7. NEXUS: How To Build Your Affluent Client Network
Every coach knows how challenging it can be to attract new clients. The NEXUS training walks you through a proven process for adding the type of clients you WANT to work with.
What Is NOT So Good About Future Coach
Now, I love Eben’s course and think it’s the best training out there for creating a profitable and sustainable coaching practice, but…I want this to be an honest review.
So here’s where Future Coach needs some help.
1. You can get a bit overwhelmed
When you first log in to Future Coach dashboard, you’ll find an abundance of information. I know I was a bit intimidated by the sheer volume of content available.
But, if you go step-by-step, it’s manageable.
Just start at the beginning and work your way through. Start with maybe an hour per day and you’ll learn from every lesson.
2. It can feel lonely
You spend all this money on a course, and then you log in to realize you’re on your own.
It CAN feel lonely going through it all by yourself.
Thankfully, there IS a solution to this problem…do like I did and go through Future Coach with others.
Set a time and meet up twice a week, either in person or online, to go through a lesson.
Pause it. Talk about it. Plan your next actions.
Just having someone to bounce ideas off of will make this course 10x better because of all the amazing ideas you’ll generate.
If you don’t have a team to go through it with, fear not; find a colleague or some other like-minded individuals willing to embark on this journey with you.
3. Future Coach is hard work
This is freaking hard work!
But it’s worth it.
Eben does his best to simplify Future Coach, but it’s not a program where you passively absorb information. Instead, you must take action and apply what you learn to see real results.
You have to get your hands dirty and do the work.
I don’t write that to scare you, but to set realistic expectations.
If you don’t actually implement what he teaches, you will NOT see results.
Who Is Future Coach For? (And Who Is It NOT For?)
Who is Future Coach For?
Eben Pagan’s Future Coach is for coaches who want to take their practice to a higher level using proven strategies and the shortcuts offered by AI or aspiring coaches who aren’t sure how to dive in.
Learn to use “Digital Intelligence” – the most powerful new technology of our lifetime – to write great marketing, create your online courses, and make powerful presentations to get clients.
But Future Coach doesn’t stop there…
- “Say Goodbye to Tedious Tasks” – Imagine a day where you’re no longer swamped with tedious business tasks. With our guidance, you’ll master the art of assigning these to an A.I., freeing up hours every week, that can be better spent on strategic business decisions.
- “Boost Your Business Productivity Exponentially” – Get ahead of your competitors by tapping into the power of A.I. This Live Course will equip you with the knowledge to automate not just content, but marketing strategies and web design, thereby increasing your business productivity by leaps and bounds.
- “Expand Your Reach Beyond Limits” – Break free from the constraints of time and location. With our A.I. strategies, you can virtually coach clients around the globe, 24/7, multiplying your impact and your income.
- “Work Smarter, Not Harder” – Say goodbye to manual scheduling, record-keeping, and follow-ups. Let A.I. handle these time-consuming tasks, so you can focus on what you love doing the most – changing lives through your coaching.
Future Coach puts you on that fast track to success!
Who is Future Coach NOT For?
As with many of the products that I review, many of the reasons that this course would NOT be for you revolve around YOU and YOUR choices.
This course is NOT for you if one or more of the following are true:
- You’re the type of person who is not willing to put in a lot of work.
- You think this is a get-rich-quick scheme. This is a get rich by working your butt off method.
- You’re not willing to make the financial investment.
- You’re not someone who wants to create a profitable and sustainable coaching practice. (I’m surprised you read this far it that’s you!)
What’s The Risk?
This is one of the biggest questions I get when people are looking at investing in a course like Future Coach.
To be honest there is next to none.
Seriously. If you take a look at Eben’s track record, there is no question about his ability to produce effective and superior train solutions.
Really, the only variable really is whether you are going to be teachable and put in the work necessary!
With all that said, Eben offers 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
With all the research and decades worth of experience in this course, you’re going to experience massive results.
But in case for some weird reason you’re in the one niche in the world that this doesn’t work for, there is the 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
What Future Coach Customers Say
Exclusive Bonuses For 2023 (hint: The total value is $7,808+)
For those who purchase through my link, I’ve created my own set of bonuses to help you launch your business.
Bonus #1 – Destroy Your Limiting Beliefs Self-Coaching Guide ($399)

Eben often talks about the importance of the “inner game”. A significant challenge to making your coaching practice a success is dealing with limiting beliefs. You need to master four of them and you can use this comprehensive self-coaching plan to do just that.
Normally, only my private coaching clients have access to this report. But you’re getting it today because I know how important it is to conquer them once and for all. Purchase Eben Pagan’s Future Coach through my affiliate link and this workbook yours…100% free!
Bonus #2 – Networking with Purpose Live! ($199)
If you go through my link to join Eben Pagan’s Future Coach program, I’ll include the replay of my Networking With Purpose LIVE event that I hosted with John Corcoran and Mark Sieverkropp – two relationship rockstars!.
If you’re going to get your business, platform, or ideas in front of the right audience, you need the right connections. That’s why you’ll get access to the replay of my Networking with Purpose Live event. You can use the training inside this replay to effectively build, grow, and nurture your network!
You’ll get my own experiences, techniques, and connection-building strategies AND I invited some of my networking expert connections to come and share their techniques and strategies as well.
The cheapest ever ticket for REPLAY access was $197. It’s yours free when you join Future Coach through my link.
Bonus #3 – Turn Your Passions Into Profits Training Vault ($397)

Here’s your key to the training vault where you’ll find more than 10 hours of marketing tips, in-depth training, and business-building advice.
These tools and training will help you develop your entrepreneurial mindset, overcome fear, find your expertise, learn how to grow your email list and sell without being scammy or salesy and more.
You can ONLY get inside when you join Future Coach through my link.
Bonus #4 – List Launch Challenge ($499)

No email list? No worries. This course shows you how to create and grow your list.
My 5-day challenge teaches you how to launch your email list from 0 to over 1000!
The easy-to-follow lessons take you by the hand and lead you through the actions you can take every day to grow your list.
Bonus #5 – Turn Your List Into Cash ($997)

After you launch your product, you will want to find ways to monetize it in new ways.
Statistics show that each subscriber on your list should generate an average of $3.00-$8.00/month in revenue.
This bonus reveals the secrets to monetizing your greatest business asset – your email list!
And it’s yours when you join Future Coach through my link.
Bonus #6 – $10k In 10 Weeks ($197)
This in-depth video training reveals exactly how I set up and monetize my Resources Page. That page, by the way, generates $10k+ per month! You’ll learn WHY I organize it the way I do. That way, you can copy exactly what I do and add one to your membership!
This is 90 minutes of me going through resource pages that my students created, giving feedback and suggestions, as well as what I like about each one, so you can generate ideas for your own page.
There are best practices for your resources page but the key is, understanding HOW to apply them. You’ll see 12 great examples of a good resources page and you can form your own design ideas. (and maybe some ideas for products you might want to promote).
Learn exactly how to add a resource page to your membership site when you join Future Coach through my link.
Bonus #7 – 2,000 Subscribers in 2 Weeks ($697)
Think about how many lives you could change with your membership if you had the top experts in your field teaching the material. In this training, you’ll discover how hosting a virtual summit can explode your list, massively build your reputation, and ignite your next launch…the same strategy I used to generate more than 200,000 subscribers.
This training typically costs $697, but is yours when you join Future Coach through my link.
Bonus # 8 – Email Copywriting Workshop ($997)
People buy in during your launch because they are convinced they will get results.
So how do you ensure they see that your promised results are possible while you continue to grow your email list? The answer: through your email copy.
In this training, you’ll be coached by several of the best copywriters in the world. You’ll learn how to write effective email copy so your audience takes the actions you want them to take.
Usually, you can only get this training with our paid courses, but it’s your’s free when you join Future Coach through my link.
Bonus #9 – The Affiliate Code Unlocked ($997)
Think about how your next launch would explode if you had an army of affiliates working for you…
The strategies I share in this training helped me build a $12.6 million dollar affiliate program in 18 months and run multiple 6 and 7-figure affiliate programs.
You get nearly five hours of me spilling ALL of my affiliate management secrets and strategies!
You’ll get access to tips and strategies you can implement immediately.
Get access to all my top insider affiliate strategies when you join Future Coach through my link.
Bonus #10 – 7-Figure Affiliate Launch Course ($1,997)

In this exclusive training, I teach you how to pull together an army of affiliates, and motivate them to promote more so you can grow your business like you never imagined.
I’ve worked with some of the top names in the online marketing industry helping them do just this. Names like Kevin Harrington, Zig Ziglar, Michael Hyatt, Lewis Howes, Ray Edwards, Jeff Goins, Peter Voogd, and Brian Tracy.
And when you purchase Future Coach through my link, you get this training that I recently sold for $1997 FREE!
Bonus #11 – Affiliate Recruiting Swipe Files (Priceless…not for sale ANYWHERE!)
The biggest challenge course and product creators face is finding affiliates.
I’ve recruited more than 30,000 affiliates in dozens of industries and generated over $1 Billion in sales.
Recruiting is hard, so we are giving you the exact templates and files we’ve used to recruit top-tier affiliates for our clients.
This isn’t for sale anywhere and is only available when you purchase Future Coach through my link.
Bonus #12 – Affiliate Promo-Prep Checklist ($432)
After successfully recruiting affiliates, the next step is to encourage them to promote your product to their audience.
This is the exact checklist we use to get affiliates to 10x their promotion emails.
Use this checklist to get your affiliates to mail more often or manage your own affiliate launches.
So now the question is, what are you waiting for? Go get Eben Pagan’s Future Coach Program and get all these amazing bonuses worth over $7,808.
So what are you waiting for? Click here to join us in Future Coach.
Questions? Text me at 260-217-4619