
Deep Roots Hosting – Full Review

So you’ve heard about Deep Roots hosting service and you’re interested? Make sure to read this Deep Roots Hosting review first. You’ll kick yourself later if you don’t.

So…you may be thinking…what’s Deep Roots Hosting all about? How is it different? Well, this full review will answer those questions, a lot of others, and some you didn’t even think to ask.

Ok…onto the fun stuff…here’s my full review of Deep Roots Hosting.

What is Deep Roots Hosting, and What’s So Good About It?

Deep Roots Hosting has been designing, building, and hosting world-changing web and mobile applications since 1999.

We’ve been a Deep Roots Hosting client now for about 5 years after using numerous other hosts. In my opinion, they are absolutely the best out there. (But they’re NOT for everyone which I’ll address later in this review.)

Here are 5 things that make Deep Roots Hosting perfect for our company:

1. Our uptime is virtually 100%.

There are no issues. And, on those rare occasions that the server does go down, Deep Roots Hosting is on it immediately.

2. We are on our own dedicated server.

We don’t share space with any other company. That means we’re not exposed if someone else were to have an increase in traffic and service was disrupted, we’re unaffected. And by having our own dedicated IP address, we aren’t subject to potential SPAM penalties that another company might incur.

3. Their customer service is off the charts.

It’s by far the best in the industry. I’ve worked with 10 different hosting companies over 25 years and I’ve never seen anything close. If we want to register a new domain, there’s no filling out forms. No hoops to jump through. We just email them and ask THEM to register the domain and set up the WordPress site. They basically handle ALL the work. And, they are always reminding us when domains are about to expire.

4. They are VERY easy to work with. 

We don’t have to learn anything. No struggling with coding or setting up databases. Or, even logging in to the control panel. I haven’t done that in 5 years. We just ask them and they do it for us. That’s great for us because we’re not very techie.

5. Seamless, Pain-Free Migrations.

Moving from one host to another can be scary. Their seamless migration service doesn’t create hours of downtime or require you to stop posting content. In most cases, readers won’t even know when the site is being migrated. And they continue to work closely with you as the dust settles to be sure your site is as speedy as possible.

What’s NOT So Good About Deep Roots Hosting?

They’re NOT the cheapest. We pay twice as much as we did with previous service providers. If you’re on a budget, this could be a show-stopper. I will admit…this was VERY hard for me to wrap my head around. However, we believe it’s worth every penny.

Who is Deep Roots Hosting For?

I know what you’re thinking…is Deep Roots Hosting right for me and my business?

Deep Roots Hosting is designed for small business owners, bloggers, and course creators.

This service is perfect for anyone with a website who…

  • wants fast load times
  • a dedicated server
  • great customer service support
  • doesn’t want to deal with tech stuff

Who Deep Roots Hosting Is NOT For?

If you’re on a really tight budget, this ISN’T the solution for you.

PRO TIP: Make sure to invest at least $20/month in a hosting service provider. There are plenty of $3.95 -$10.00 plans which I have tried but I immediately regretted them. You want to have at least the ability to upgrade to your own “virtual” server (often referred to as a virtual private network).  Plans that offer this capability can be found for $15-$20.

And there are some other things that make Deep Roots Hosting NOT the best fit for everyone.

Here are four situations where I wouldn’t recommend Deep Roots Hosting hosting:

You’re a hobby blogger

For some bloggers, their blog is just a hobby—and not a source of income. If that’s true for you, things like site speed, search engine rankings, and uptime probably aren’t as important to you as they are to someone who relies on their site to feed their children.

You’re just starting out…

If you’re just starting out, you might be hesitant to invest much time, effort, or money into this blogging thing. In that case, a cheap hosting plan might make the most sense.

You prefer to handle your own technology…

One of Deep Roots Hosting’s key values is providing personalized, expert support. This gives our clients more time to focus on the parts of their businesses that matter most, i.e. content creation, social media, partnerships, product launches, etc. However, if you have a good understanding of the technology that runs your site—and you enjoy working on it—there are self-serve options that may work better for you.

You’re happy with your current host…

We almost never recommend that prospective clients switch to Deep Roots Hosting if they’re happy with their current host; in fact, we often go so far as to recommend they stay right where they are. If you’re paying a price you feel good about, your server is stable, and you’re getting personal support when you need it, that’s great!

What Services Does Deep Roots Hosting Offer?


What good is a great application if the servers it’s on can’t keep up with the demands? Deep Roots Hosting provides powerful, private cloud solutions for small-to-medium organizations, as well as high-powered, optimized WordPress hosting plans for professional bloggers.


Figuring out how to reach your audience isn’t always cut and dry. They can help you align your next endeavor with your user’s needs and expectations to minimize the risk through:

  • Design Sprints
  • Prototyping & Testing
  • Customer Insights
  • Product Planning


Deep Roots Hosting’s design practice starts with a deep dive into how your customers use your product and why. This allows them to get a richer understanding of what the user is trying to accomplish and design a user experience to support those goals. They translate those insights into wireframes, design systems, and blazing-fast front-end and mobile user interfaces.


They’re skilled at adapting existing development environments, as well as building custom applications that fit your needs.

Whether your application lives on a server or in the browser, the Deep Roots Hosting team can help you launch your new ideas quickly, on your platform.


Deep Roots Hosting’s hosting price ranges start at $80/month. (told ya!) But, this price point works really well for the majority of people. For clients with several websites, custom coding, heavy images, or other specific needs, we can evaluate the disk space, bandwidth, and RAM you use to help you choose the right platform.

All their plans include the following:

  • virtual dedicated hosting
  • unlimited websites
  • free SSL certificate
  • 24/7 expert support by email or phone
  • up to 120 days of backup coverage
  • enhanced security at the server level
  • quarterly server report card
  • free site migration

Final Thoughts on Deep Roots Hosting? Would I Sign Up Again?

The short answer…ABSOLUTELY!

To me, Deep Roots Hosting is THE premier web hosting plan – bar none!

In my opinion, you won’t find greater value than what you’ll find in the Deep Roots Hosting suite of products and services.

Click here to learn more, set up Deep Roots Hosting.


Text me at (260) 217-4619


Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.

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