
Have you ever felt like you have nothing to offer the world? That you don’t have a product or business inside of you…or even a story? That’s how a reader named Debbie felt until I shared this advice with her:

A new reader named Debbie recently wrote this to me:

“My life trajectory included getting married at age 18 and having kids at 20 and 22, then going back to college for business. However, I couldn’t get jobs and when I did I felt stuck because I wanted to be with my kids.

So I went from job to job and finally when my kids were in high school I got a job as a postal carrier (that wasn’t full time for 6 years). I have loved this job because there is so much freedom in it, but there is a limit to how much I can make, thus I have been on a search for online opportunities for a long time. I do not have a website or business and no matter how much I think about it I don’t have ideas for what to do.

The things I’m passionate about I have no idea how to monetize. I talked to someone else who thought I would be a good administrative assistant, but I still don’t think that fits with the idea of having no limits.”

If I may be so bold Debbie and whoever else watches or reads this…you DO have something to say and something to sell.

Watch the video above to learn what to do when you feel like you have nothing to offer the world.

You are the only one with your story and that story has powers you’ve never imagined.

Resources Mentioned in this Video

The Art of Work by Jeff Goins

Have you ever felt like Debbie? If so, what changed your mindset?

Missed one of the 30 Days of Q&A vidoes? Find them all here.

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2 thoughts on “When You Feel Like You Have Nothing to Offer the World

  1. John Chang says:

    Absolutely! The best stories are simply the ones where your audience identifies with *you* – the real you, not the “all so perfect” social media facade that so many of us put up.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      So true about the ideas John. Ideas EXPRESSED change the world.

      I love this from Carrie Wilkerson at Jeff Goins’ Tribe Conference this weekend:

      If I believe that something can offer value to the world and transform others, why would I keep it to myself?
      THAT is selfish.
      Don’t be a transformation hoarder.

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