I recently launched a dream of mine…a brand new affiliate network. But why? It’s a massive investment, a huge time and energy drain, and there’s no guarantee of success. It all comes down to one big...
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Scaling Your Affiliate Program and Your Business Without Spending a Fortune
If scaling your affiliate program and business feels like a constant grind—long nights, weekends, and a shoestring budget—you’re in the right place. In this episode, I’m sharing how I’ve done it and...
How to Create Swipe Copy for Your Affiliates
One of the single most important keys to a successful affiliate program is great swipe copy. Done right, it's a powerful tool that will help your affiliates succeed. Yet, I see so many affiliate...
2025 Affiliate Marketing Predictions
2025 is here, and the affiliate marketing world is evolving faster than ever. From the rise of AI to compliance and Google algorithm updates, this year is shaping up to be a big one. In this...
How to Create Affiliate Program Agreements (Terms & Conditions)
Looking to create an affiliate program agreement (AKA terms and conditions)? You've landed in the perfect spot. In this article, we'll dive deep into the art and science of establishing legally...
How to Get a Job as an Affiliate Manager
Are you looking to get a job as an affiliate manager? If so, you're in the right place. In this post, I'm going to share the steps you need to take, the skills you should develop, and there might...