Are you looking to get a job as an affiliate manager? If so, you're in the right place. In this post, I'm going to share the steps you need to take, the skills you should develop, and there might...
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New Year’s Resolutions for Both Affiliate Managers and Affiliate Marketers
If you’re serious about making this year your best yet for your affiliate program and affiliate marketing, you’ve got to commit to doing things the right way. Today, I’m sharing 10 resolutions that...
BONUS: How to 10X Your Sales WITHOUT Spending All Day On Social Media or Expensive Paid Ads…All in About ONE HOUR a Day
Today, I'm giving you something that was previously only available privately. I'm going to share a training about how to get your affiliate program up and running from scratch and use it to scale...
The 10 Commandments of Building a Winning Affiliate Program
Today, I'm sharing my 10 Commandments for building a winning affiliate program. After 20 years of experience, I've distilled the essentials of affiliate management into these must-do principles that...
Should Your Affiliate Program be on a Network or In-House?
Trying to decide whether to run your affiliate program on a network or keep it in-house? It’s a HUGE decision that can make or break your program. In this episode, I’ll share the pros and cons of...
Should we Stop Using the Term “Affiliate Manager”?
Managers are for burger joints, not affiliate programs. Seriously, I can’t, scratch that...I HATE the term "Affiliate Manager." In this episode, I’m sharing why it drives me crazy…and...