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How to Activate Inactive Affiliates

How to Activate Inactive Affiliates

One of the single most frustrating things you can do as an online entrepreneur is to put in the effort to recruit affiliates…only to have them do nothing. Today, I’ll show you how to activate your inactive affiliates.

I received an email recently from a guy who has over 1,000 affiliates for his product. That’s great!

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The 5 Reasons People Buy Anything

Why do people actually buy? What makes them actually make the decision to part with their hard-earned cash in exchange for something you are offering (or something you are promoting)? There are five reasons…and I share them below.

Before you attempt to sell anything to anyone, you must know the five reasons people buy. If you don’t know these reasons, any attempt to sell anything will be futile.

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How to ASK Others to Promote Your Affiliate Program

How to ASK Others to Promote Your Affiliate Program

The majority of the population has a hard time asking for things, even from those whom they’ve helped. For some, the idea of it is downright terrifying. But if you are going to succeed in launching a product or service, you’ll have to get over your fears and learn how to ASK.

How to Ask others to promote your launch

I recently received a very common question from a reader, Adam Franklin. Adam is one of our top partners in multiple launches and one of my favorite people in online marketing. You should definitely follow him on his blog.

He asked:

The #1 thing I struggle with is the “ask” — especially when I ask people to support me.

I am totally fine supporting other people’s launches, as you’ve probably noticed. And I’ve spent the last 18 months, forming and strengthening relationships on this basis. It’s easy because it’s GIVING.

But…when I try to recruit JV partners to support my material, that makes me a bit uncomfortable because I feel it more as TAKING. I know it’s meant to be win-win etc… but there’s discomfort.

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When is the Right Time to Start Promoting Affiliate Offers?

When is the Right Time to Start Promoting Affiliate Offers?

Conventional wisdom tells you that the right time to start promoting affiliate offers is after a certain point. One year of blogging, 1,000 subscribers, after a certain number of this or that. I’m here to tell you conventional wisdom is all WRONG!

When is the Right Time to Start Promoting Affiliate Offers?

The Brick and Mortar Approach

Imagine you had a brick and mortar store. Would you wait a year to start selling something? Would you even wait a week?

Of course not!

Would you wait until the 1,000th person walked in before you sold something? No.

Would you wait until your store was more famous? How absurd!

You’d start selling something…anything…right away.

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