
Ever feel like you just don’t have enough time to launch your product? That’s exactly how one reader felt. Here’s my response:

Here’s what this guy wrote to me:

“My issue is strictly time, time, time… Not enough of it.

I am working a main job and then a couple others on the side. I have also moved back to my hometown to help 91-year old parents who are still living at home. My wife is working away from home as well as we have very little for retirement. We have been married for 37 years so we can handle it as love overrides any and all problems.

I chose to explore this field at this time in an effort to HOPEfully build a diversified and repetitive income stream. As I stated before, however, I cannot seem to launch anything due to ongoing duties. Lack of time, time, time…”

Watch the video to find out what to do when you feel like you just don’t have enough time.

‘Not enough time’ is never a valid excuse. If you want something bad enough, you’ll MAKE the time.

Have you ever felt like you just don’t have enough time to launch?


Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.

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8 thoughts on “When You Feel Like You Don’t Have Enough Time to Launch

  1. Michael Hudson says:

    Good insight into the time realities Matt…the tough love is on point. But there might be a ‘question behind the question’ that has nothing to do with time, even though it is stated in that context. Time might be a way of referencing a knowledge gap.

    Let me explain.

    For many of us with content the challenge is not about creating the course or mapping the journey, it is about the tech side of things. Specifically we don’t understand the moving parts and think they are over-complicated, time-consuming, and difficult. We don’t recognize that we can hire support to help with them and that we don’t really need to understand how the car works in order to jump in an drive it!

    That may or may not be the problem the person whose question you were answering was referencing, but I (and perhaps others) would love to see you share more insight on the technical aspects of launches and how it relates to the perception of the time and challenges involved in launching a product online.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Good point Michael.

      And I definitely plan on covering some of the techie stuff.

      That said, I feel like people (and by people, I do, too) use that as an excuse to not launch. It’s an aggressive form of perfectionism that must be stopped!

  2. Marisa Shadrick says:

    Great advice, Matt. I think sometimes we need someone to communicate hope. You did a fantastic job addressing the hidden question. Caring for aging parents is emotionally draining, but a product launch can provide additional options for our family’s future. Believing it’s possible is critical. I’m glad you took the time to encourage one of your community members. I hope he builds his course.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      You know…I didn’t even address that fact that additional income could allow him to hire some help. Good point Marisa!

      I hope he builds it too!

  3. Laura J Tong says:

    Absolutely Matt – kick it out the door and see if it lives or dies:) great video

  4. Marietta Stalcup says:

    Whether it is 10 minutes a day, 1 hour a day or 8 hours a day it can be done. The only thing that changes is the time it takes to complete. While the best time to start was yesterday, the next best time to create is today. I can empathize with the person asking this question. I have been in this situation until recently… It can be done. Hang in there and just keep doing something to move you forward.

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