If you have a podcast, monetizing it can be one of the hardest things to do. You have hosting to pay for, production costs, and more and affiliate marketing can be a great way to make some money. Today I share five ways to monetize your podcast with affiliate marketing.
This video is the result of a question from Joshua Dillard :
How do I work affiliate marketing into my podcast? My podcast is the primary vehicle by which I drive traffic to my site. It’s my number one source of income through my own products, but how do I work affiliate offers and products into that?
Watch the video for my five ways to do this.
If YOU have a question about affiliate marketing, affiliate management, or online marketing in general, you can ask me and I will answer it in a future post or video. Click here to submit your question.
Resources Mentioned in this Video
John Lee Dumas’ podcast episode with Ray Edwards
My Affiliate Marketing Toolbox
What are your tips for monetizing a podcast?
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