Did you know that entrepreneurs live an average of SIX years longer than the rest of the population? A longer lifespan isn’t the only reason why I’m such an advocate for entrepreneurship though. Entrepreneurs are also healthier, happier, and live more fulfilling lives…but WHY? Today, I’ll share why entrepreneurs live longer and what that means for you.
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Previous Episodes of The Affiliate Guy
Lessons Learned from a Multi-Million Dollar Affiliate Launch
How to Hire an Affiliate Manager
The Surprising Thing That Might be Holding Your Business Back
This Affiliate Program Just Made a Fatal Mistake: Here’s What They Should Have Done Instead
7 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Live Longer
Did you know that entrepreneurs live an average of six years longer than the rest of the population? Now, a longer lifespan isn’t the only reason why I’m such an advocate of entrepreneurship, though.
Entrepreneurs are also healthier, and happier, and they live more filling lives. The question is why? Today, I’m going to share why entrepreneurs live longer and what that means for you. So why do entrepreneurs live longer?
This is actually a documented fact. Entrepreneurs live almost six years longer than the rest of the population. Now, this is true across the socioeconomic spectrum. If you look at entrepreneurs that make $50,000 a year and everyone else that makes $50,000 a year, the entrepreneurs live longer.
If you look at entrepreneurs that make a million dollars a year and everyone else that makes a million dollars a year, entrepreneurs live longer. It’s true across the world, entrepreneurs in Africa live longer than others in Africa, entrepreneurs in Asia, Europe, South America, and so on and so forth. Warm climates, cold climates like it doesn’t matter.
Entrepreneurs live longer. Part of that is that they’re healthier. But why are they healthier, though? They tend to be happier, they tend to lead more fulfilling lives. And it goes against the kind of that picture of an entrepreneur stressed out and like a workaholic dying at the age of 40.
I believe that the reason that entrepreneurs live longer comes down to one word. One word. That word is CONTROL.
When people think not everyone, but when many people think of that prototypical entrepreneur, they get the vision of a guy or a Gal that’s working 18 hours a day. They’re stressed, they’ve got bills to pay, they’re pulling their hair out, and their hair is going Gray.
They’ve got payrolls to make, decisions to make. And the thing is, everything rests on him or her. And I feel that sometimes I feel that I feel a weight on me, that people who aren’t entrepreneurs don’t feel. Now, if you maybe you’re not an entrepreneur, but you’re a team leader and you might feel that right.
The lives of your team and the lives of their children are in your hands. But it’s different when you’re the entrepreneur, the lives of every single team member, and every single one of their children is in my hands. I have to remember because I’m in a personality-based business, so much of our business is based on me.
There are other businesses like that, of course, Tony Robbins business, Dave Ramsey’s business, different people like that. And I think about it like the risk that there is in working for somebody like that like Tony Robbins goes out, kills a man in a DUI. And I’m not saying that’s going to happen.
Just to be clear, but man, everybody in the workroom could be out of a job tomorrow and feeling that pressure, the fact that their families depend on the success of the business to eat, to be able to get educated, to go to the right school, to live in a good home, to be safe, that’s dependent upon me.
Every little decision matters. We’re in a good place as a company financially. But hundred thousand dollar mistakes are devastating. I’ve worked for companies where multi-million-dollar mistakes are not really that big of a deal, but a mistake that cost $100-$200,000 is we might have to lay off somebody.
It can be overwhelming. It can drive somebody absolutely insane. And that feeling that it’s all on me. I know that feeling. I’ve been an entrepreneur for almost 17 years, and everything rests on me. There’s not a day goes by that I don’t feel that when a client is late to pay, I feel that it is a source of stress.
When we do promotion and it doesn’t go as we expected, we have to make tough decisions. When the cost of something goes up, it can change our lifestyle. And yeah, I wouldn’t trade it for the best job and the best company with the best pay and the best benefits and the best culture and the best office space and the best everything in the whole world.
Because if I did that, then I’m relinquishing control. The kind of stress that I feel as an entrepreneur is a good kind. It’s the kind of stress that says, you know what? It does all rest on me. It does rest on me. It’s not the kind that says I can’t do anything about it. I spent very little time working for others in my adult life, thankfully.
But I know the stress of wondering if the company I worked for was going to go out of business. I know the stress of wondering if my boss is going to make the next payroll. I know the stress of doubting whether or not I’m going to have a job next week. I know the stress of there being problems with, quote, unquote, upper management that I can’t do anything about.
It was driving me nuts. I know that stress, the stress that’s beyond my control. And it would eat at me. It would keep me up at night. I got an upset stomach. My mood was dramatically affected. And I remember specifically, like, we’ve altered this because of soccer and school and stuff.
But when the kids were much younger, one of our family traditions was that on Friday nights, we went out as a family and we’re going out as a family. And if the weather is nice, we’re doing things like going to play or whatever. Sometimes we just go out to eat and go to a movie, whatever. It’s supposed to be a time to relax unwind, to enjoy time together.
I was ruining it because that family night just became Matt’s complaint about his job night. At that time, I was working for a company, a very short period of time in my life where I was working for a company and in the middle of my entrepreneurial journey. This is a little bit over about ten years ago now, and I’ve only begun to start my current business on the side.
So this is back when I first started mattmcwilliams.com, and I was blogging and doing stuff like that. But at that time, very early on, I was still working for another company. And every Friday night, I would take the stress that other people were causing. The people I worked with, my boss, and the uncertainty of the company’s future.
They just laid off half the staff. So that was kind of bad. The clients that I didn’t choose, the systems that we use, that I didn’t choose all these things that were out of my control. I was taking that stress out of my wife and daughter, and I wasn’t trying to ruin this night. I just needed an outlet. It was Friday night. I just needed to get this out of me.
Finally, thankfully, my wife Tara gave me an ultimatum. She said she was so tired of me complaining that she essentially demanded that I find something else to do professionally. I needed a new job. So I know that kind of stress, and I know what it is like to feel that uncontrolled stress where you have no say in the matter. I don’t want to feel that kind of stress.
That’s why I say I’m only half-joking when I say I am utterly unemployable. I want to get a T-shirt that just is utterly unemployable. I’ll take the stress that I feel today, the controlled stress over any stress that I ever felt working for somebody else. The reality is people think a lot of times entrepreneurship is risky.
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So that’s the stress that you feel. It’s the least risky of all careers. There’s a great book out there, The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas Stanley. I love one of the stories in this book where there’s this professor who asked a bunch of MBA students, these are people who are like executives of big public corporations. And he says, what is the risk?
And one of these MBA students says, being an entrepreneur. And everybody’s like, yeah, entrepreneur, blah, blah. And the professor basically answered his own question with a quote from an entrepreneur, the quote, I don’t remember the exact quote, but he just says, like, “risk is having one source of income. Employees are at risk because they have a single source of income.” Whereas if you think about somebody who has hundreds and hundreds of customers, that’s hundreds and hundreds of sources of income. That’s not risky. One source of income is risky.
And I remember a guy, we had dinner with some friends a few years back and I mentioned at that time I’d gone out of my own maybe like three years before or something like that and the guy was like, wow, that must have been scary and risky and I was like, what are you talking about?
I didn’t say it like this but becoming an entrepreneur was the least risky thing I’ve ever done in my life because I went from having one income to multiple incomes almost overnight. Within a matter of months, I went from the constant threat of the company selling and my family getting left in the cold.
I don’t have that fear at all. And I remember I’ve shared this story before but what happened was I got fired. I got laid off because without getting into the details but the company had essentially been taken over by a guy whose Mo was to run the company into the ground and then buy it for the debt and I was running the affiliate program and so we were the only profitable division in the company and we were growing significantly since I started working there so that was my one source of income.
Thankfully I started my side business, I was doing some consulting so I was bringing in like $2,000 on the side so when I got fired I at least had $2,000 in income a month coming in immediately but I went out and got more clients.
Next thing you know I’ve got five clients and so what happened was when I went from basically one client. Plus the job, but essentially zero clients on the job side to five clients. The loss of a single client became an inconvenience, not a catastrophe. If you lose your own employer, that is catastrophic.
Now, just to be clear, I’m not suggesting you drop everything if you’re not an entrepreneur and just become an entrepreneur tomorrow. If risk and fear are holding you back, definitely consider the idea that entrepreneurship is the employment equivalent of investment diversification. They say, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
I don’t think it’s wise to put all your investment money in crypto. I don’t think it’s wise to put all your investment money into a single stock or even into just American stocks. We’ve got our investments all over the place. I’ve got international stocks, I’ve got small startup companies, we’ve got the established company.
We’ve got, I don’t know, 20% of our portfolios in like, the Dow Jones, the top 30 companies, and then another, like 20% in the rest of the S and P 500. We’ve got stuff overseas. We’ve got a little bit of crypto, we’ve got a little bit of real estate, things like that. We’ve got investments all over the place.
So that if any one of those tanked, if the US economy went to poop, the stock market just completely crashed more, well, we got other stuff. We lose some money, but we don’t go broke. That’s diversification. That’s diversification. That’s what we’re looking for.
Even within some entrepreneurial circles, though, some business owners believe that they control the business and others believe it’s dependent on the economy, and the government. I can’t find any good people to work for me. Those types of people are always going to feel the wrong kind of stress.
So they stay up late, they watch the stock ticker, and they freak out over the latest news headlines. Which is why I don’t watch the news by the way. They live and die with every interview of every politician. They blame anyone and everyone for the fact that their business sucks. Rather than just claiming control, these entrepreneurs actually drag down the life expectancy. Or my guess is, quite frankly, entrepreneurs will probably live eight to ten years longer.
So even among entrepreneurs, there are people who just have not claimed control. You take control, you claim control, and you will live longer. 7.47% is the actual number, about six years. So what are some of the other reasons, though? There’s control, right? What are some of the other reasons why entrepreneurs live longer?
That control I wanted to start with there, and I blamed that point because it’s so important. You have to get control. If you don’t feel like you have control, you’re not going to have that benefit. None of these other ones are going to really matter.
The second reason is FREEDOM.
I’ve spent very little in my adult life working for somebody else. But I say adult life, like after I left College. I worked for other people when I was 18. But after College, so the age of 22, I think I was 21 still. Age of 21 to 42. By the time this air, I’ll be almost 43. Holy crap. I’ve worked for about five years for other people, including my dad.
When I did, I always had a schedule. I had a schedule that was dictated by someone else. That schedule didn’t change because someone like my daughter, like my son, asked me to do something, and I had an opportunity. Just the other day, oh, man, it felt so good. My son asked me to go do something in the middle of the day.
And I looked at my I was like, well, I’ve got some stuff scheduled. I still have meetings and things, and I’ve got things I need to do for our team. But I had about 20 minutes. And at work, you don’t just stop working and go do something with your kid for 20 minutes. I did.
My wife texted me yesterday and said, “Hey, can you stop working early? Let’s go to the Zoo as a family,” I was like, “okay, let’s do that.” And we went to the Zoo. We had a great time spending like two and a half hours at the Zoo. There’s almost no one there. Beautiful day.
One of the reasons why entrepreneurs live longer is the freedom that they have, the freedom to be spontaneous, the freedom to adjust their schedules, and the freedom to spend that beautiful day. One of the first beautiful days we’ve had all spring.
“Freedom is a measure of the quality of life.” – Matt McWilliams
If you’re listening to this in 2022 and you live in the Midwest, you know, we had like an eternal winter. And instead of being cramped in a cubicle all day, I went outside. I went with my family.
When an entrepreneur gets tired, when I get tired, I take a nap. I take a nap. I see my kids every morning. Almost 360 days a year. They’re to sleep over something I don’t. But I see my kids almost every morning.
Why? Because I’m able to go upstairs. I hear them, they put a pattern of their feet upstairs, and I go upstairs. If I was at work, if I had a schedule, I couldn’t do that.
“Quality of life is directly correlated to a longer life expectancy. So freedom is huge.” – Matt McWilliams
The third reason why I think entrepreneurs live longer is IMPACT. The impact that I can make. I know that when I coach a small business owner and they go from half a million dollars to multi-million dollars, that’s life-changing stuff.
When I sell a product and 100 people buy it, that’s realistically. Probably 80 lives change. About 20 people are never going to put into action. It is what it is, right that’s people buying new homes, people who are sending their kids to better schools, families who are no longer stressing over money and just even thinking about it right now, thinking about some of the results that our students and clients have gotten.
My satisfaction level with my work Is infinitely higher now than it ever was when I worked for others Because I didn’t see the results before. There are numerous studies out there that show that the closer a connection the workers feel to their output, the happier they are. In other words, the more impact that they feel like they have, the greater their happiness.
And that effect is magnified for business owners. In other words, direct impact means more satisfaction, which means more happiness, which means greater health, which means a longer life. And there’s a direct correlation. Like, I can come up with an idea And I get to choose Whether or not to put it into action, and I put it into action and it impacts people’s lives. And I go, yes, look at what I did. This is so awesome and I’m happy and I live longer.
Now, the fourth reason is LESS STRESS. Now entrepreneurs have stress. I’m talking about this in the next episode a little bit, but again, that is in control of stress. But entrepreneurs have less stress overall, and this is independent of income level. Okay? This is not like, well, entrepreneurs make more money.
No, entrepreneurs that make $100,000 have less stress than people who work for others and make $100,000 a year. It’s not directly tied to income. Each of the reasons that I’m sharing ties into this, you get more freedom, so you’re not chained to a desk. You have an impact. You get more quality time with your family and friends.
We’ll talk about this, right? But the reality is when I was stressed at work before, I owned my own business and there wasn’t much I could do about it. So I just bottled up that anger inside. Now when I feel stressed, I go for a walk or I call it a day. Simply getting away does the trick for me.
I’m able to do that. I can escape the stress. I have less stress. Not only is the stress I have better, But I can just get away from it. I couldn’t do that. The little bit of time I spent working for somebody. If I was stressed, I still had to stay there till 5:30. I still had to stay there till 06:00. I still had to attend that meeting.
Now you know what I’ll do? I might just say, hey, team, I really apologize. But so stuff has come up And I need to move that meeting. Or like I said, I’ll go take a nap. I’ll go do a meditation. I’ll do that a lot. I’d say at least once a week, above and beyond, just my regular meditation time.
I’m in a place I’m stressed, and I go over to our gym. I lie down on the workout bench, put my feet up just to get some change in the blood flow, and I’ll put on the meditation. I’ll do a breathing exercise for ten minutes, completely changes my state. That’s harder to do in an office. Maybe I can’t because maybe I have a meeting.
Well, I try not to be disrespectful, but if I feel like that’s the best decision for our company, I will do that. I will delay our meeting ten minutes so I can go do that. So less stress overall is super important.
The fifth thing is entrepreneurs tend to have BETTER RELATIONSHIPS than the population as a whole.
It’s absolutely proven that freedom, that job satisfaction, that less stress is a big reasons why you get a joy-filled, less stressed business owner who chooses to pick his kids up from school.
Nobody can say anything about it. Or you get the stressed-out dad who just got out of a meeting ten minutes ago and he has to take, quote, unquote, sick time to pick up his kids. Which car ride do you think is going to be more enjoyable? Which dad do you think is going to be more present? Which mom do you think is going to be more present? And again, it has nothing to do with not being busy or having an impact.
It’s just about the levels of stress and that freedom. Before owning my own business, I never had a mastermind group. I didn’t have a reason to have a mastermind group. Once I started my own business, I needed to be in a mastermind group. Some of my best friends are from my mastermind groups. In fact, almost all of my best friends in the world, I’ve been in mastermind groups.
I would say probably 75% of my good friends have been in mastermind groups with our daughter has never known her Daddy not to be there almost every single morning. Nor is our son. Our son was so used to me being upstairs that when my office was upstairs for the first year or so of his life, he could look in from the way that my office was situated and where he sat at our breakfast table, which is where breakfast tables, where we eat 90% of our meals.
But where he sat, he could turn and look through this little gap in the hall and see me make direct eye contact with me. And we would look at each other five to ten times a day. And when I moved down to the basement, same house, because he comes down here all the time, I’m surprised he hasn’t interrupted he interrupts, like half of the podcast episodes I record.
But when I moved down to the basement, he took it hard. All I did was move down to the basement. My daughter has never known me not to be able to say yes to a pretty reasonable request. And so as a result, our relationship is better. And just to be clear, it doesn’t guarantee a better relationship. It just makes it easier. Just giving my wife a quick kiss in the middle of the day, giving her a hug, telling them I love them just once or twice a day, extra.
Those things go a long way. My kids get to report on their school work, not having to wait until 6:30 at night. I mean, they have soccer practice at five across town, so we leave at 4:30. I get to take them every single day, three days a week right now, that’s a lot of quality time with them on the drive. And I’m not bragging.
I don’t know how people do it. If you don’t get off work till 5:30, you have to have other people take them. And I’m not faulting them for it. I’m just saying, man, what a blessing. How cool is that that I get to spend that time with them?
The 6th reason is what I call the elixir of life, right? HELPING OTHERS.
Helping others. There is nothing more exhilarating than a product launch or the feeling that I get from helping a client. We agonize over every product that we create. We pour our heart and soul into them. There’s even a level of stress to those things.
But when I looked back at the process of every single product we’ve ever created, it was lifegiving. I woke up in the morning with a passion. There was some risk, but it was worth it. And I think back to some of our product launches, the late nights, the early mornings. They were worth it. They were worth it.
The time, the stress, the energy that poured into our products like No Product, No Problem. And Find Affiliates Now. And all of our coaching calls. Just what goes into those. But I’m energized every time I do a coaching call, energy is coming out of me.
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But somehow I feel more energized at the end of the coaching call than I did at the beginning because of the value that I’m delivering. And that’s the elixir of life. It goes back to that impact that I said earlier. We made plenty of mistakes and those mistakes are disheartening, but every time they’ve been worth it.
The 7th reason is that I know my PURPOSE. Entrepreneurs know their purpose. At least I hope they do. There’s a quote that I live by. The CEO of Evernote, a guy named Phil Libben, said that
“There’s a lot of bad reasons to start a company, but there’s only one good, legitimate reason. And I think you know what it is. It’s to change the world.”
I know my purpose. I’m changing the world. One product, one customer. One client, one consultation, one podcast episode, one video at a time. That’s how I’m changing the world. I think I’ve shared this story before, but I didn’t want to be the affiliate guy for so long.
People kept you should teach affiliate marketing. You should teach people how to start an affiliate program. Be the affiliate. I’m like, I don’t want to be the affiliate guy because I didn’t think that that was the way to change the world.
I thought I was supposed to be doing something bigger. Teach people bigger things like how to start a business and scale and leadership and personal development. Affiliate marketing. What are you going to do with that? I’m not downplaying what I do. I’m just saying that’s what I was thinking. I’m going to do that. But Matt, you’re really good. This is the time I’ve won four affiliate manager of the year awards.
You should probably teach those stuff, dude. I’m like, no, man, I don’t want to be the affiliate guy. So that’s why I named the podcast the affiliate guys. This ever-living reminder of the fact that waiting a minute. I can change the world by doing this. And I remember very vividly I helped a friend run an affiliate program.
She’s in the parenting niche and all I did was like two weeks before her launch started and I was like, do you need help? Because we were talking about something else. She was trying to help me and I was like, do you need help with your affiliates? I can help you a little bit. All I did was talk to 20 of our affiliates.
I posted some stuff in their group and I helped them and I taught them some stuff and I did what I do. I did what I’m the best in the world I believe. And I helped them create bonus packages and I helped them get confidence. I helped them learn how to sell. And at the end of that launch, they had an affiliate specifically whose previous launch had done zero sales. Who did 17.
They had another affiliate who said her goal was to do five and she ended up finishing in second place with almost 50 sales. Then another who the previous launch had done something like six sales and then this one did like 32 and the number one affiliate more than doubled their sales. And it’s like, “you okay?” “That’s great. And I remember thinking, wow, that’s awesome.
I help those people make so much more money. That’s really cool. Yeah. I’m good at affiliates.” And then I was walking down the stairs one night, and this thought hit me. She’s in the parenting niche. We had just had this really good bedtime. One of those bedtimes where things just went perfectly, right. The kids didn’t argue, went to bed peacefully, and gave them a big hug, Goodnight.
I was like, man, this is life, right? And it hit me as I got about halfway down the stairs because of what I had done, potentially hundreds of other families were having that same experience that night. Yeah. I’d helped an affiliate go from zero to 17. I’d help somebody double their sales. I’d help somebody quadruple their sales. I’d help somebody ten X their goal. That’s great.
The money that they made. Please don’t get me wrong. That’s great stuff. There are also hundreds of people who had bought that course who were potentially that night having the same experience that I was because I taught affiliate marketing. What kind of an impact could hundreds of children being raised better have on the world? I don’t know. I really don’t know. It’s pretty cool to think, though. I think it’s significant. And so that’s why my business exists. It’s changed the world.
So I hear you thinking, “that’s great, Matt.” “I’m with you, man.” “I agree.” “I want to be an entrepreneur.” You’re listening to this? I know you want to be an entrepreneur. Or maybe you already are. If you’re not, though, let me just real quick share a couple of things. Number one, like the first step, right? What is that first step? Number one, you take it piece by piece.
Number one, don’t quit your job yet, okay. You do not need the added stress. And it is a stress when you’re starting off needing $5,000 a month or whatever you make just to get going and start your business on the side. One of the things that I love to teach people when they’re starting off on the side, is that let’s just say you make $5,000 a month at your job and you live off of $4,500. And I’m using round numbers. Taxes, no taxes. Doesn’t matter.
You bring home $5,000 and you live on $4,500. So you’re really only saving $500 a month. And again, these are nice round numbers. I realize you might not need that much or you might not make that much or you might make more or whatever. It doesn’t matter. But those nice round numbers, right?
So you’re only leaving $500 for investing and other stuff. And it’s not really doing much of an emergency fund over the course of my math is right. That assumes that you don’t have any no hot water heater breaks, no furnace breaks. You don’t need any repairs and all that stuff. So you’re going to need those things. So you’re setting that 500 to the side, you’re really not investing because you’re probably using most of that 6000 a year on emergencies. So that said, you take that.
Let’s just say you can make $1,000 a month your first year on the side and then 2000 in the second year. At the end of the second year, you got $36,000 in the bank, 12,000 plus $24,000 if you go another six months. If you bumped that up to 3000, you’re now at 54,000, you’re basically at a year’s income that’s in the bank. Now you could go full time, even though you’re not quite to the point where you’re making a full-time income.
Number one, if you can make $3,000 a month part-time, you could pretty quickly get that up to four or five by being full-time. Secondly, you’ve got plenty of money to pull from. And you learn so many lessons over those two years or 18 months, whatever it is, you learn how to do things very efficiently. So you build that emergency fund. So the best way to find out what you want to do and how to do it is not through endless tests or quizzes or seminars or trying to learn the ins and outs of every aspect of what you do. It’s jumping headfirst into the deep end.
One of my favorite quotes, Reed Hoffman, he’s the founder of LinkedIn, said
“You jump off a cliff and you assemble an airplane on the way down.”
So number one, don’t quit your job yet.
Number two, start now. You start now. Start learning from failure. Start finding out what you do and don’t want to do. Start finding out what works. Start making some money. Definitely got 3 hours a week. Ok, well, then put in 3 hours a week, 3 hours a week consistently. You can pull off two, three, four, $500 a month. And that’s something again, start putting money in the bank and it starts proving that you can do it.
The third thing is don’t go it alone. No man is an island, right? Just because I’m a solo printer doesn’t mean you need to do it alone. Join a mastermind. Get by with a little help from your friends. Get in a couple of online communities. You don’t need to be in 18 Facebook groups. Okay, but get in a couple and get some help.
The fourth thing is fight. You will live longer if you believe that you’re in control. You will live a happier, more fulfilling life. Every bit of research proves that. True. But the early stages are going to be tough. You’re going to fail. You’re going to struggle. You will hate it sometimes. You will scream, and you will lose sleep. You will want to quit. And that’s just one day.
So you got to be a fighter. Do you want freedom bad enough? Do you want the success bad enough? Do you want to wake up three years from now, having built something of which you can be proud? Do you want to change the world with your product?
“Do you want to change the world with your service? If so, you will fight and it will be worth it. So be a fighter.” – Matt McWilliams
Fight for what you believe in, fight for the control, fight for the ability to go full time so that you have all the things that I talked about in this episode.
This is a big theme in my book that’s coming out in January 2023. January 10, 2023. Mark your calendars. Tell everybody you know. Turn Your Passions Into Profits. Now, if you’re interested, if you go to passionsintoprofitsbook.com, you could be on the early bird notification list and we’ll send you some stuff that lets you know how to be the first person to get your copy and we’ll put that link in the show notes, by the way. But that’s a big theme of that book. If you want this, you got to fight for it.
So I’ve shared with you seven reasons why entrepreneurs live longer. Next week I want to talk about the dark side of entrepreneurship. There’s a reality. There’s a dark side, right? There are failures. There’s fatigue, exhaustion, and confidence. Just completely shot. Emotional scarring. PTSD in some cases maybe not clinical, but there are things that can happen that cause serious problems. The divorce rate is lower among entrepreneurs, but it’s not completely nonexistent.
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So I want to address some of those problems and more importantly, I want to talk about how to overcome them in the next episode. So we’re going to talk about that dark side, but we’re going to talk about how to overcome those setbacks, how to overcome pain, how to overcome fatigue, and how to overcome failure in the next episode.
So make sure that you subscribe so you don’t miss that episode. It’s going to be a very impactful episode. I think it’s going to help a lot of people. So make sure you come back from that and hit subscribe so you don’t miss it. I’ll see you then.
Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.
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